Thanks to Jim Smith, McKay class of 1959 for sending us the "then and now" photos below.
He says their class still has school spirit and enjoys getting together!
Jim also donated a 1959 Torch student newspaper for our McKay Torch section.

Some members of the McKay Class of January 1959
met for a reunion luncheon on August 16, 2013 at the
Riverside Restaurant in Riverside, Illinois
Back Row: Tim (Ruth Rossman's partner), Ruth Rossman, George Arangelovich,
George's wife, Jim Smith. Front Row: Irene Krikscunaite, Sandee Kraus,
Jack Witty (Sandee's husband), Tom Masbaum (Linda Nyberg's partner), Linda Nyberg.

McKay Class of 1959 First Grade photo

McKay Class of 1959 Kindergarten photo

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